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Iusuf Muurat Mufti met with U.S. Ambassador Mark Gitenstein (Photo gallery)


30 Apr, 2010 14:08 3589 Marime text
muftitul_des.jpgIn his two days visit in Constanta, the U.S. Ambassador in Romania, Mark Gitenstein, included in its schedule a meeting with Mufti of the Muslim Cult, Iusuf Muurat.

Visit of the high official began at the Mosque in peninsular zone of Constanta and ended with a meal of Iftar, offered by the Mufti of Muslim Cult in honor of his guest. At the end of the meeting, U.S. ambassador said he was extremely pleased with what he saw, stating his hope for a better collaboration between the two institutions: "We know each other since last year, when the Mufti was present at the Iftar at the end of Ramadan, when we prayed together. I am very excited about how things go here and the time spent with the Mufti."

His Excellency wished to reinforce the idea that the American people and the U.S. government respect the Muslim community in Romania and the Muslim religion also. As for the joint projects that might exist between the two institutions, the ambassador added that has not yet received proposals in this regard, but has a great opening to any collaboration at this level.

Mufti of the Muslim Cult also stated that he is very excited about the visit dignitary made to the institution he leads and also about the collaboration that has with U.S. Embassy, because through its intercession connection with U.S. Muslims can be done: "The fact that His Excellency held, at the beginning of his diplomatic mission, the Iftar dinner, proves that U.S. policy has not been, is not and will never be opponent to Islamic religion and its followers, on the contrary, U.S. policy respects all Islamic values".

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  • euromuslim 01 May, 2010 18:14 felicitari domnule Murat Iusuf pentru ca ne faceti cunoscuti peste hotare , inclusiv americanilor.Ne reprezentati cu mandrie si va respectam pentru acest lucru.Bravo!Sunteti persoana de care are nevoie comunitatea musulmana din Romania!Tineti-o tot asa!Va multumim!
  • mihai 30 Apr, 2010 21:06 fratilor, cand o sa faceti ceva cu extremisti aia de la taiba? au impresia ca daca vin cu bani de la arabi pot sa cumpere toti musulmani din romania. aici nu este afganistan. terminati cu ideile extremiste ca o sa distrugeti comunitatea. noi suntem aici de sute de ani si au venit astia sa ne invete pe noi religie. NAGI nu are studi religioase, n are nimic. are ura pe toti, pe romani, pe americani, pe evrei