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Ziua Constanta
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The Minister of the Defence visiting Constanta


14 Apr, 2009 01:08 1439 Marime text
The Minister of the Defence, Mihai Stănişoară visited, together with his Dutch homologue, Eimert Van Middelkoop, the Dutch landing craft presently found in Constanţa harbour. The craft is taking part in a bilateral Romanian and Dutch training exercise, Cooperative Lion '09, which is being held in Dobrugea, during 3rd and 15th of April, in the area of responsibility of Romanian Navy Forces. On the occasion of the Day of Distinguished Visitors, the Minister of Defence and his Dutch homologue took part in an exercise of managing a crisis situation in Rasova place. The intervention started at 14.00 hrs and finished after about 3 hours, when the guests were invited to see a navy exhibit in the passenger terminal of Constanţa harbour. In Cooperative Lion '09 exercise there were involved 700 servicemen and civilians with Romanian Navy Forces and with bodies of the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs and Ministry of the Environment, and also 600 Dutch servicemen and 20 observers from Albany.
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