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Romania’s entertainment and media market will register the third highest growth rate in the CEE between 2013 and 2017, according to the PwC Entertainment and Media Outlook report


09 Jul, 2013 14:31 1629 Marime text
Bucharest, 9 July 2013 – Romania’s entertainment and media market will be the third fastest growing market in the CEE region with an average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.7% until 2017, shows the 14th edition of the PwC Entertainment and Media Outlook report. The fastest growing markets in the region remain Turkey (11.4% CAGR) and Russia (10.1%), while Hungary (5.5%), the Czech Republic (5.1%) and Poland (3.2%) will all register lower growth rates than Romania. However, Romania will remain the smallest entertainment and media (E&M) market in the region in terms of overall volume.
The estimated value of the local E&M market was of 2.44 billion USD in 2012 and it is forecasted to reach 3.53 billion USD by 2017.
“Romania remains a dynamic entertainment and media market in the region. Yet, much of the growth will come from the Internet access segment, while advertising revenues and consumer spending will grow at a much slower pace. In the same time, some market segments, such as music sales, newspaper sales and radio advertising and licensing fees will decrease by 2017. This is in line with global trends where digital spending is growing much faster than traditional media products”, stated Florin Deaconescu, Partner, Assurance Services, responsible for the Telecom, Entertainment and Media industry, PwC Romania.

Across the world, consumers’ access to E&M content and experiences is being democratized by ever increasing access to the Internet and explosive growth in the ownership of smart devices. According to PwC’s annual Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2013-2017 (Outlook), while spending on non-digital media will continue to dominate throughout the coming five years, the growth is coming from spending related to media delivered digitally. In response, E&M businesses are continuing to raise their game in terms of customer insight and operating agility.

China, Brazil, India, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, and Argentina—will see the most growth nearly doubling their share of total E&M revenues during the Outlook forecast period (2013-2017). The average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for these markets is more than double that of the E&M industry as a whole; they will account for 22% of total global E&M revenues in 2017, almost doubling from 12% in 2008. In addition the impact of a growing middle class and increased urbanisation in these markets will help reverse the fortunes of some segments of the industry.
At the same time more mature and technologically advanced markets, within North America, Western Europe and Asia Pacific, will be instrumental in driving the global shift towards digital consumption of E&M services.
About the Outlook
PwC’s 14th annual update of the Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2013-2017, is a comprehensive online source of global analysis for consumer and advertising spend. With like-for-like, five-year historical and forecast data across 13 industry segments in 50 countries, the Outlook makes it easy to compare and contrast regional growth rates and consumer and advertising spend. And new this year, it also contains individual country commentary for all segments. Find out more at
Segments covered by the Outlook
TV subscriptions and licence fees, TV advertising, Internet access, Radio, Out-of-home advertising
Video games, Filmed entertainment, Newspaper publishing, Consumer magazine publishing, Business-to-business, Internet advertising, Consumer and educational book publishing
and Music.
Digital Spending
Digital spending consists of fixed broadband and mobile Internet access; satellite radio subscriptions; digital PC and console gaming; online and mobile gaming; electronic home video; digital newspaper circulation spending; digital consumer magazine circulation spending; digital trade magazine circulation spending; consumer, educational and professional eBooks; online and mobile Internet advertising and digital music.
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