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Agenda de lucru a MAE de luni, 7 noiembrie 2011


06 Nov, 2011 18:20 1059 Marime text
Participarea ministrului Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, la Reuniunea informală a miniştrilor de externe din Regiunea Dunării (cu participarea presei acreditate, comunicat de presă) - Hotel Intercontinental, ora 13.45


Jurnaliştii sunt invitaţi să participe la discursurile de deschidere a sesiuni ministeriale, rostite de ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi şi omologul său autriac, Michael Spindelegger (ora 13.45), la momentul fotografiei de grup (ora 16.15) şi la conferinţa comună de presă susţinută de ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, alături de oficiali prezenţi la reuniune (ora 16.45).

Accesul este permis numai reprezentanţilor presei acreditaţi în prealabil.

Jurnaliştii acreditaţi vor avea acces la eveniment pe baza unui ecuson pe care îl vor putea ridica în ziua evenimentului, la faţa locului, începând cu ora 12.00. Pentru ridicarea ecusonului este necesară prezentarea legitimaţiei de presă şi a unui act de identitate.

Jurnaliştii sunt rugaţi sa ajungă la locul evenimentului cu cel puţin o jumătate de oră înainte.

Regăsiţi ataşat agenda evenimentului.

Informal meeting

of the foreign ministers from the Danube region

(Bucharest, 7 - 8 November 2011)

Topics that will be discussed:

1. EUSDR management and financial aspects

2. Creative connectivity - projects implementation

3. Joint communication strategy for the EUSDR


7 November 2011 Intercontinental Hotel

13.00/13.30 registration

13.45/14.30 Ministerial Session (Fortuna room)

(Official Delegations only)

Opening remarks

1. Minister of Foreign Affairs - Teodor Baconschi/ Romania

2. Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs - Michael Spindelegger /Austria

(Representative of the media will be allowed in the conference room)

3. Minister for Foreign Affairs - Nikolai Mladenov /Republic of Bulgaria

4. Minister for Foreign Affairs - Iurie Leancă /Republic of Moldova

5. Minister for Foreign Affairs - Vuk Jeremic /Republic of Serbia

6. Minister for the Bundesrat, Europe and International Affairs - Peter Friedrich/Baden Wűrttemberg - Germany

(Representative of the media will not be allowed in the conference room)

14.50/16.15 Ministerial Session (Fortuna room)

(Official Delegations only)

7. State Minister for European Affairs - Enikö Györi / Republic of Hungary

8. State Secretary for European Affairs - Andrej Plenkovic /Republic of Croatia

9. State Secretary for Political Affairs - Nebojsa Kaludjerovic /Montenegro

10. Special Ambassador for EU Macroregional Strategies - Petr Janyška /Czech Republic

11. Ambassador - Andreas von Mettenheim /Republic of Germany

12. Ambassador - Marek Szczygiel/Republic of Poland

13. Ambassador - Jadranka Sturm Kocjan/ Republic of Slovenia

14. Ambassador - Dusko Kovacevic /Bosnia and Hertegovina

15. General Director - Vsevolod Chensov /Ukraine

(Representative of the media will not be allowed in the conference room)

16.15/16.45 Family Photo (Hora room)

Coffee Break

16.45/17.15 Press conference (Modigliani room)

17.15/18.00 Special guest speakers (Fortuna room)

Kadri Uustal- Adviser to the General Director DG Regio, European Commission

Marian - Jean Marinescu - Vice-Chair Group of the European People's Party,

European Parliament

Adriana Ţicău - Vice - Chair, Committee on Transport and Tourism, European Parliament

Marie Paule Roudil - Head of UNESCO Office in Bruxelles

(Representative of the media will be allowed in the conference room)

8 November 2011 Intercontinental Hotel

Economic Forum - Areas of excellence in the Danube macro - region

The forum is addressed to the business sector representatives and members of the official delegations

(Representative of the media will be allowed in the conference room)

09.30 - 09.45 Opening remarks (Fortuna room)

Speakers: Teodor Baconschi, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

09.45 - 10.45 Plenary session (Fortuna room)

Moderator: Viorel Ardeleanu, National Coordinator for the EU Danube Strategy

Speakers: Petru Filip, Vice President, Senat - Romanian Parliament

Ivo Gönnėr, Mayor of Ulm

Sorina Plăcintă, Member of the Senat - Romanian Parliament

Kurt Puchinger, Director of Planning, City of Viena

Mihai Manoliu, General Secretary, ACPR

Daniel Dăianu, Professor, National School of Political and Administrative Studies

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break

11.05 - 12.30 Parallel working groups (Fortuna room 1)

Working group 1 - Connectivity

Moderator: Irina Cruceru, DG Regio

Speakers: Johannes Eigner, National Coordinator of the EU Danube Strategy - Austria

Şerban Cucu, priority area coordinator 1a - to improve intermodality/inland waterways/Romania

Markus Simoner, Team Leader Infrastructure Development - Via Donau Viena

Manfred Seitz, General Secretary, Pro Danube International Association

Alexandru Capatu, Chairman, ProDanube International

Cristian Secoşan, CEO Siemens Romania

Aron Kovacs, Chamber of Commerce Budapesta

Oleksandr Malin, Deputy Head - Odessa Regional State Administration

Working group 2 - Competitiveness and innovation (Fortuna room 2)

Moderator: Eric Bartha, Secretary General, CODCR

Speakers: Hans Herdlitschka, Priority area coordinator (to support the competitiveness of enterprises)

Radu Mihaescu, President, CODECS

Vasile Puşcaş, Professor, Babes - Bolyai Cluj Napoca

Dan Bălteanu, Professor, Romanian Academy

Viorel Vulturescu, Counselor , National Authority for Scientific Research

Gunter Horcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufactoring Engineering and Automation IPA

Katya Goranova, Business Support Center Ruse

Costin Lianu, director, Ministry of Economy and Commerce

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch (Ronda room)

14.10 - 15.00 Closing session (Fortuna room)

Moderator: Horia Roman Patapievici, President, Romanian Cultural Institute

Speakers: Leonard Orban, Minister, Ministry for European Affairs

Sorin Oprescu, Mayor of Bucharest (tbc)

Jurgen Raizner, Director, Steinbeis Danube Center

Radu Merica, President, RO/DE Chamber of Commerce

Sorin Dimitriu, President, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce

Jan Vraciu, Director, Local Development Directorate, Minister of Administration and Interior

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