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Vadim Tudor prophesies IPS [His Holiness] Teodosie will be replaced


05 Jun, 2009 00:54 2276 Marime text
cap_1.jpgTricolorul newspaper has announced that the Archbishoprics is preparing the replacement of His Holiness Teodosie, while Casian Crăciun may become the next Archbishop.

The position of Tomis Archbishop held by His Holiness Teodosie seems to be endangered. According to certain information coming from the inside of the Romanian Patriarchy, quoted by Tricolorul newspaper, IPS Teodosie, the Patriarch of Tomis, might be replaced with the bishop of the "Lower Danube", Casian Crăciun.

ips_teodosie_02.jpg"Sources within the Patriarchy informed us that the Patriarch Daniel might wish to replace Teodosie Petrescu from the position of Archbishop of Tomis and appoint Casian Crăciun in his place. Crăciun is not bad, still he is so very stained by former security activity...", Tricolorul are stating. The newspaper are also saying that the bishop Casian "also has other types of problems, which will surely come into the light of the press if he will go beyond his condition". "If Daniel makes this move, he will confirm the rumours accusing him of being behind the campaign of moral denigration held by the Muslim TV station, Kanal D", the journalists are warning. Is it worth, Your Beatitude, fighting against everyone? What for? Just to make up a new team? You are already isolated, no one valuable, along the country or from abroad, is visiting you", is stating the author of the article. "What did IPS Teodosie do wrong?", he is rhetorically asking, "building tens of monasteries and churches, in Dobrogea and in Bucovina?". The journalists from Tricolorul also emphasise the fact that "the accusations presented to him (that is, to Teodosie) are eye wash, and we should say it's pure nonsense". "Beware, Your Beatitude, doing such an unjust deed might anger God. Don't push your luck. Try and get out of the solitude you have been surrounded with by the bad thing-workers", concluded the journalists from the Tricolorul newspaper.

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