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Comunicat Rompetrol SA


05 Jun, 2015 12:09 1190 Marime text
Rompetrol SA, o societate netranzactionata, a solicitat Tribunalului Bucuresti deschiderea procedurii de reorganizare a societatii, in vederea continuarii operatiunilor comerciale derulate atat in Romania, cat si in strainatate.
La sfarsitul anului trecut, societatea a fost obligata, in solidar cu alte persoane fizice, de catre Curtea de Apel Bucuresti la plata sumei de 58,5 milioane USD, la care se adauga  dobanda legala calculata incepand cu data de 05.01.2001. Aspectele avute in vedere de Curtea de Apel Bucuresti privesc fapte savarsite in perioada 1999 – 2001, cu mult inainte de anul 2007 cand KazMunayGas a devenit actionarul majoritar al grupului de societati din care face parte si Rompetrol SA.
Dupa pronuntarea deciziei respective, societatea si-a aratat toata deschiderea in cursul procedurilor legale demarate de autoritatile fiscale pentru identificarea si evaluarea activelor sale, acestea instituind un sechestru asiguratoriu asupra bunurilor sale.
Punerea in executare a deciziei respective, inclusiv a dobanzilor legale, care in opinia autoritatilor fiscale reprezinta o suma de trei ori mai mare decat debitul principal, creeaza un dezechilibru financiar major pentru societate, avand efecte imediate in activitatile sale curente - intreruperea operatiunilor de profil, a contractelor in derulare, a investitiilor si implicit asupra angajatilor sai. 
Mentionam ca valoarea totala a investitiilor realizate de Rompetrol SA din fondurile proprii in dezvoltarea lucrarilor de explorare din Romania si achizitia de instalatii de foraj necesare extinderii activitatilor de profil pe plan extern depaseste suma de 50 milioane USD. In acelasi timp au fost initiate demersurile legale pentru punerea in executare a obligatiilor asumate de catre fostul proprietar al Grupului Rompetrol in contextul deciziei Curtii de Apel Bucuresti.
Reorganizarea activitatii Rompetrol SA va permite continuarea serviciilor adiacente activitatilor de foraj sonde petroliere terestre in Maroc, unde societatea a castigat un contract in 2014 dupa ce a fost nevoita sa isi intrerupa activitatile din Libia pe fondul instabilitatii politice, si in Romania, unde are premise de a trece de la faza de explorare la exploatare si productie hidrocarburi. 
Precizam ca celelalte activitati ale societatilor din Grup nu vor fi in niciun fel afectate de aceasta procedura de reorganizare. 

Departmentul de Comunicare si Relatii Publice
KMG International
Rompetrol SA Press-release
Rompetrol SA, a closed company, requested the Bucharest County Court to initiate the reorganization proceedings against the company, so as to enable the furtherance of the commercial operations thereof conducted both domestically and abroad.
At the end of the former year, the Bucharest Court of Appeal committed the Company jointly with other individuals to the payment of the amount of USD 58.5 million, plus legal interest computed as of 05.01.2001. The aspects considered by the Bucharest Court of Appeal referred to a series of deeds perpetrated throughout the period 1999-2001, long before 2007 when KazMunayGas became the major shareholder of the group of companies Rompetrol SA is part of.
Following the ruling of this court resolution, the Company has shown its full openness throughout the conduct of the legal proceedings initiated by the tax authorities as to the identification and assessment of the Company’s assets, a precautionary seizure being set by the said authorities on such assets.
The enforcement of the court resolution referred to hereinabove, including the enforcement of the legal interest, which in the opinion of the tax authorities accounts for a three-time higher amount than the main debt, gives rise to a major financial imbalance for the Company with immediate effect on its current activities – cut-off of its specific operations, ongoing agreements, investments and implicitly on its employees.
We hereby specify that the aggregate value of the own-fund investments made by Rompetrol SA for the development of the exploration works in Romania and the purchase of drilling facilities necessary to extend abroad the activities in this industry exceeds the amount of USD 50 million. At the same time, legal proceedings have been initiated to enforce the former owner of Rompetrol Group's obligations in the context of the resolution passed by the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
The reorganization of the activity of Rompetrol SA shall enable the furtherance of the services ancillary to the land oil drilling activities in Morocco, where the company was awarded a contract in 2014 after being forced to shut-down its activities in Libya further to the political instability existing on that territory, and in Romania, where there are chances to switch from the exploration phase to the exploitation and hydrocarbons production phase.
We would also like to specify that the other activities of the Group companies shall not be affected in any way whatsoever by this reorganization procedure.

Public Relations Department
KMG International
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