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Mazare "Usually, women blame me for being a wanderer" (photo gallery)


14 Apr, 2009 01:22 2761 Marime text

mazare_playboy.jpg"Radu's mother is three year older than me and I told her from the beginning that I would not marry her. She insisted on having the baby; I didn't agree, but now I love him more than everything in the world".

The mayor Radu Mazăre showed up in the April Playboy, playing the part of a romantic gangster.

Considered by those from the male magazine as "the most controversial public male figure of Romania, a leader of national virility", Radu Mazăre answered "anxiously to questions asked within a non-conventional interview". Accompanied by an army of actors, figurants, script writers, photographers and directors, and even a bag full of dollars, the mayor posed very convincingly as Constanţa's Al Capone. Known as one of the politicians who are not afraid of words, Mazăre was willing to talk about a lot of controversial aspects, as: the political mob, the women in his life, a total lack of inhibitions of a convinced bachelor, frequent travels to exotic places and the temptations of a movie-like life style.

Here come some of the straight answers the mayor Radu Mazăre gave to Ramona Pop from Playboy.

"If the election campaign had not finished, I would have gone dressed in an army suit, like Fidel Castro. This has been my dressing style for the last two years: fancier. Now I am thrilled ‘cause I bought a red star cap from Viet Cong troupes in Vietnam, those who fought down the Americans."

"I am in dissonance with the rest of the Romanian political class. Do you know another mayor who would be almost very good at flying a kite, who would drive old fashion convertible cars?"

I have about 100,000 visualisations on hi5 and about 20,000 friends. And I want more. It's true that it wasn't my idea, it was the idea of a friend of mine in Bucharest, but I adopted it very quickly, although I'm not very fond of computers. I will post on my hi5 account the pictures from this photo session which will not be used."

"Playboy: hi5 is generally used by young people to pick up. Were there a lot of chicks willing to talk to you? Mazăre: Oh, yes... Were you willing to talk to them? Mazăre: Sometimes (smiling)"

"I have never been married, but I have a very good relation to Radu's mother. She takes care of school, education, cloths, all these domestic issues. When he is with us, he learns how to be a man, what it means to be courageous. I have a pair of twin brothers and they don't have children of their own, so Radu is a sort of troupe boy. He's learnt from us to love the sun, the sea, the wind, to surf, to sky-surf and monoski, to wakeboard... We took him to ‘talented' countries, as we call them. The school thing is the mother's responsibility. I don't even know what grade he is in. I now and then ask him, ‘cause I keep forgetting."

"Playboy: Who accompanies you when you travel to "talented countries"? Mazăre: the brothers, the lover, the child, the mother... Playboy: Your mother or the child's mother? Mazăre: Both. When I went to Venezuela, I took my girlfriend, my son and the mother of my son. It's true that in Colombia or Syria, you can't walk with any constraints, as I did. In Lebanon, Hezbollah police checked us. I was taking some pictures to some buildings ruined by Israelis during the last year war, and to some new buildings. They politely asked our camera and they erased the new building pictures, for fear we might give them to the secret services, and so the buildings might become targets for Israeli attacks.

I was recently to Cambodia, Vietnam and Andorra, and the next trips will be in Yemen, Burma and Laos. Last summer I crossed by yacht the Suez Channel from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, as captain, which is something!

"Radu's mother is three year older than me and I told her from the beginning that I would not marry her. She insisted on having the baby; I didn't agree, but now I love him more than everything in the world. I have always been afraid of marriage. (...) At the beginning, all women seem ideal. It gets worse in time."

"Playboy: Why do you prefer young girls? Because when they turn 25, women start thinking about marriage and children. Playboy: So, you haven't upgraded your target. It's still 18-25. Mazăre: No problem if younger than that!"

"Playboy: Which is the most frequent thing women accuses you of? Mazăre: The thing that I'm a wanderer"

"Playboy: What would you learn Răducu about women? Mazăre: Not to be a mug"

"(about Elena Udrea) Playboy: Do you find her attractive? Mazăre: Yes, she is a good-looking woman.

"Playboy: Is there any business in your name? You don't seem to own buildings, at least in theory you are a renter... Mazăre: I own Flora Hotel, I own a press distribution line, I own a lot, you can find this on the web. And it's true, the place we are now in is rented. Playboy: How much does it cost you? Mazăre: 1,500 Euros"

"If you entered the govern, what position would you think it would best suit you? Mazăre: Prime Minister."

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