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COSMOTE Romania donates €50,000 from New Year's SMS incomes


26 Apr, 2010 13:25 2405 Marime text
cosmote_04130943.jpgFive children charity foundations will benefit from the second edition of the campaign "Custom of Love"

Bucharest, April 26th 2010

COSMOTE Romania continues the CSR campaign "Custom of Love - New Year's SMS" in 2010 and donates €50,000 of its New Year's SMS incomes to 5 non-profit organizations caring for children. Thus, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului, Fundatia Hospice Casa Sperantei, Asociatia Little People, Asociatia Orfanilor din Casele de Copii and Asociatia P.A.V.E.L foundations will each receive the equivalent of 10,000 euro in order to continue and develop their charity projects for children in 2010. "Custom of Love" is a COSMOTE Group CSR initiative aimed at supporting children non-profit organizations, offering substantial part of the New Year's SMS incomes.

"The second edition of "Custom of Love - New Year's SMS" shows once again our involvement in children education and welfare, which adds up to our CSR policy aiming at environmental, educational and social issues. With the support of our customers who contributed by sending an SMS to their beloved ones on Christmas holidays, we managed to increase this year's number of NGO's in the program to 5 and to sustain these organizations in offering assistance, education and relief to children in need" said Ruxandra Voda, Corporate Affairs Manager at COSMOTE Romania.

The 5 organizations COSMOTE supports in the second edition of "Custom of Love - New Year's SMS" campaign deal with aspects related to children such as child abuse and child rights, improvement of the life quality for children-patients with terminal illnesses, children with cancer or with disabilities and orphans.

COSMOTE started its collaboration with Asociatia Telefonul Copilului in 2006, and from 2009 it was the sole mobile telephony company to offer free access to the newly launched help line for children 116 111. This year's donation will be used for increasing the capacity to support abused children through the call centre but also with the aide of lawyers and psychologists.

Fundatia Hospice Casa Sperantei has as main purpose the improvement of life quality of patients with terminal illnesses while instructing their caretakers. As a result of the foundation's hard work last year 220 patients with terminal illnesses were offered medical, nursery, social and psychological services. This year's donation will be used to continue the organization's work in helping these children-patients with terminal diseases.

Asociatia Little People activates in volunteering for children and teenagers with cancer, cancer survivor children and children with disabilities. COSMOTE's contribution will help the organisation to extend volunteer services currently available in three onco-paediatric units in Cluj-Napoca and Bucuresti to all eleven paediatric treatment units in the country, especially in Timisoara and Oradea.

The company's contribution to Asociatia Orfanilor din Casele de Copii will help the association to start a dental cabinet and an internet club, and to continue their educational and leisure programs for children.

Asociatia P.A.V.E.L is an association of parents who have children with cancer acting as a liaison between parents and institutions where children are treated or hospitalized. The company's donation will serve for year round projects such as coverage of the spending for diagnosis and medical treatment for children and teenagers, counselling and support programs offered by a psychologist and social assistants, relaxing activities and games therapy for children and teenagers admitted in the three orthopaedics and haematology sections in Bucharest and free accommodations for the families outside Bucharest who accompany their children for treatment.

At the first edition of the "Custom of Love - New Year's SMS" campaign, COSMOTE Romania donated 15,000 Euro to each of Salvati Copiii Romania, Telefonul Copilului and Fundatia Hospice Casa Sperantei, non-profit organizations caring for children. With this donation, the three foundations were able to develop and continue some of their charity projects for children in 2009.

"Custom of Love" is inspired by a COSMOTE Group CSR initiative, which was introduced by COSMOTE in Greece back in 1999. Since the program's launch, COSMOTE Group has provided support to almost 20 children organizations. The initiative was also adopted in Albania by COSMOTE's subsidiary company AMC. COSMOTE Greece donated this year a total amount of €325,000 to 8 charitable organisations for children.

Since its launch, COSMOTE has partnered up with the most important children non profit organizations in Romania and has completed several important projects so far. Every year, COSMOTE employees engage in activities that are meant to support children. Some important collaborations so far, include the projects deployed with Telefonul Copilului Association, Salvati Copii - the Safer Internet project, the opening of donation lines for special cases and the support of anti-drug campaigns addressing children.


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