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Mazare, with a decreased salary


16 Jul, 2009 11:28 2841 Marime text
deschidere.jpgThe mayor borrowed SC Xenoti SRL with 51.140 Ron and 42.060 American dollars

The mayor Radu Mazare has presented his fortune to the public. And he made this on his town hall's site.

The chief of the public local administration updated his statement of assets as the law says, until the 15th of June. The new declarative act is signed on the 9th of June2009 and at a first look it doesn't have large changes. Mazare also declared on the 10th of July 2008, that he has a Bayliner boat trailer, but he doesn't have lands, a house or cars. This despite the fact that everybody knows his impressive collection of époque cars to which he added, according to journalist  Cristian Şuţu (,  a brand new Jaguar with red numbers. He does not stand bad with money, but not extremely good either. The new statement of assets presents four accounts (5.500 American dollars, 24.995 American dollars, 793 Ron and 68 euros), in comparison with three, which he had in the act signed last year (5.500 American dollars, 830 American dollars, 68 euros).

Radu has money to give

In 2008 the mayor had a bank deposit with 8.882 euros. The cash sum remained the same: 230.000 euros. We have to mention that the mayor forgot to declare the year he opened these accounts.  Similar to last year, in his statement of assets appear companies in which the mayor is involved: SC Sigma Trading SA (15,33%), SC Ideea Contrast SRL (33%), SC Comtext SA (0,02%), SC Concordia Press (25%), SC Tomis Marketing Service (28,30%), SC Xenoti SRL (25%), SC Conpress Grup (24%) şi SC Royal Distribution Service (3%). And even though he hasn't got so much money in his accounts and his salary was decreased as we will see later on, Mazare has money to give, like in the song. But not to the state, but to one of his companies Xenoti, the company towards which Hotel Flora from Mamaia functions. So, Radu Mazare borrowed Sc Xenoti SRL with 51.140 Ron and 42.060 USD. The company is not the only debtor. On the list there is also SC Nisipuri SA who needed 1.626.310 Ron, and the well known debtor of the mayor, Ioanis Poulos Skantzikas, who haven't returned the mayor his 600.000 euros. Debts he has not.  But surprise: Mazare's salary has decreased from 60.369 Ron (as it appeared on the statement of assets in 2008) to 45.918 Ron. And as he said in different occasions, he donates the allowance he receives from the town hall to Fair Play Foundation. We tried to telephonically contact him to tell us why Xenoti needed the money, and most of all which is the reason why his salary decreased. But even after sending him a text message in which we told him who we are and what we want, the chief of the public local administration didn't want to answer.

colaj.jpgStan: "Put me in jail"

If the mayor takes less money, not the same thing we can say about the deputy mayors Gabriel Stan and Decebal Făgădău. First of these two doesn't have any changes in his declarative act signed in the last day of submission, on the 15th of June this year. Gabi Stan doesn't have any lands, any house and not even cars although he drives all over the city. Moreover, the deputy mayor even changes his cars, from a Lincoln MkX Crossover to a Jeep. He has a collection of 100.000 euros (which he didn't want to show us until now) and many debts. Stan made loans from "BCR - 10.000 EUROS (2006 - 2016), Piraeus Bank - 11.000 euros (2008 - 2018), Banc Post - 10.000 euros (2008 - 2018) AND BCR - 15.000 euros (2008 - 2018), a total sum of 45.000 euros. From this sum, he borrowed 30.000 to his mother, Constanţa Stan. "I gave my mother a part of the money I borrowed from the banks and for which I pay rates because she had to do something at her house (the house on the Rotterdam Street where Mazare's adjunct also lives)" declared the deputy mayor.  The incomes are not large. Stan earns 40.000 Ron (he earned 38.000 in 2008) and his wife Mihaela, 35.000 Ron, with 10.000 Ron more than last year. But the deputy mayor forgot something. He forgot to mention his sources of income, for which he could be sanctioned easily by the National Agency of Integrity. "I forgot, I didn't make it on purpose. I will see what I can to modify it. Now, for such a small thing, what will they do? Put me in jail? (He laughs). I work at the town hall, and my wife is a teacher at the School nr 24 and at a school with children with problems" explained Gabi Stan.

Făgădău: house- yes, car- no

The second deputy mayor, Decebal Făgădău, holds a land of 500 square meters bought in 2005, in the Composer's neighborhood, a flat bought in 2006 in the area Badea Cârţan, but he hasn't got a car. He has a credit made on 20 years at OTP Bank, of 38.000 Swiss francs. His statement of assets completed this year, on the Children's International Day  shows that in 2008 Făgădău earned 48.630 Ron as a director of the Museum Complex of Natural Sciences, 2.853 Ron on the allowance of local counselor( September - December 2008) and 11.100 Ron as a member in CA of RAEDPP( January- August 2008). His wife brought home 14.544 Ron as an employee of SC CSS SA.

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