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WineRo celebrated the harvest of 2013 Alira wines, appreciated by ambassadors and royalty (photo gallery)


07 Oct, 2013 19:08 2195 Marime text
Aliman Grape Harvest Festival held last week-end by the company WineRo, attended by prominent guests, all lovers of a top, unique wine in Romania.

Great guests, all lovers of a top, unique in Romania wine enjoyed this year's Grape Harvest Festival organized by WineRo on .
Special moments dedicated to this event were not few. Ostrov Estates representatives attended WineRo event and did not come alone to the feast, but with a Mexican band. The Mexican assembly moment was dedicated to all participants but especially to Eduardo Niño, head chancery of the Mexican Ambassador to Bucharest. With the exceptional artistic program performed by the traditional Mexican band the fifth edition of the country party was declared officialy opened. The mexican artists have prepared especially for this event an interactive programme, inviting to dance WineRo administrator, Ghenadie Bobeica, alongside Eduardo Niño, Head of the Chancellery of the Embassy of Mexico in Bucharest and others. Later, Maria and Peter Botis, from Maramures, enchanted the guests with songs from Maramures folklore and repertoire. A moment as expected as the Alira wine tasting was the one of feet crushing grapes by four lovely ladies.

A 100% Romanian product, supported by foreign capital

WineRo Company representatives have declared themselves satisfied by the 2013 harvest, which, although it was a difficult year, provided a quality harvest.
Since 2009 many investors from Germany, Czech Republic and Great Britain have made ​​their presence in Aliman. They and the WineRo administrator, Ghenadie Bobeica, tried and succeded to bring to market a new product, Alira, appreciated both at home and abroad and found at place of honor on the tables of the ambassadors in Bucharest.
The proof is that even now, at its fifth edition, Harvest Festival enjoyed last Friday by the presence of the royal family and senior representatives of diplomatic missions. We are talking about His Royalty Prince Serban Dimitrie Sturdza, His Royalty Prince Michael of Laufenbourg, and Eduardo Niñom, Head of the Chancellery of the Mexico Ambassador to Bucharest.
"We are for the fifth time in Aliman in this vineyard. Most of you have been here more than once. Those who are here for the first time are invited to Aliman for the next year, too", said in opening remarks Ghenadie Bobeică.
The party began with the wine tasting of the first Rose Alira brand in 2012. The guests then had on the tables Tribune 2011 wine - a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Fetească Neagra (Black Maiden). Throughout the day, guests had the chance to taste other Alira wines: 2011 Feteasca Neagra, 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon, the first Aliman Cabernet Sauvignon.

Grand Wine range launches in November

Administrator Ghenadie Bobeica said that for November is planned expanding  the range of a Alira top selection in 2011. "These are the best plots our oenologist, Mark Dworkin, has chosen for the Alira Grand Wine range. We'll have a Merlot, a Cabernet, a cuvee, a blend and a big surprise, a Feteasca Neagra that certainly will change your perception of how to make Feteasca Neagra", said Ghenadie Bobeica.
According to WineRo manager, currently 70% of Alira production is sold locally, but there are already Alira wine lovers abroad, in countries such as Austria, Czech Republic, China, Germany and Hungary. Soon, Alira wines will be exported to Poland, Japan and Great Britain.

Princess Cherica, a royal wine

Prince Serban Sturdza testified that he is the fourth consecutive year in Aliman. His Highness also said: "Here, in Romania, WineRo produces a better and better wine. There are more and more popular wines on the Romanian market and beyond. I dare to say that the Alira wines are increasingly common on the tables of the ambassadors here today". Prince Serban Sturdza shared the that there is a second reason for his present at harvest festival. It's about Princess Cherica wine, a 2011 coupe, created by WineRo, named after his grandmother and produced in a limited edition, with 1,931 bottles, 1931 being the year his grandmother married Prince Dimitrie Grigorie Sturdza.

It was not an easy year to guess

Asked if 2013 was a good year for the vineyard, administrator Ghenadie Bobeica stated: "For us, it was a difficult year, it had rainfall with variable amount and frequency. It was not an easy year to guess, it required great attention in the vineyard. Instead, the result is very good, we expect to be at least at the 2011 - 2012 level". Ghenadie Bobeica also said he was forced to stop work on the Rasova cellar, saying that in addition to the total investment made ​​in Aliman and Rasova, which amounted to 7 million EUR, it would have been necessary at least 3 million EUR more to complete the cellar, and for now he doesn't have this amount of money.
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